• Welcome to the IOMAD Demo site

    This is the online demo site for the IOMAD multi-tenancy solution! Sitting on top of Moodle (in our opinion, the best Open Source VLE in the world), IOMAD is also Open Source, so if you like what it can do, you can download it and use it for free.

    Please noteThe site will refresh periodically, so you don't have to worry about breaking it.

    We have already configured some test companies with a department structure, some users and courses, each with its own distinct URL:  

    1. https://testcompany.iomad.org
    2. https://anothercompany.iomad.org

    Visiting these links will provide the branding for those companies for login pages and keep the URL throughout for their own users.

    We have also created a Reseller company which has a client of their own, and a set of licenses for the courses they provide.

    You can log in as any of the following accounts, and the passwords are all set to awesome:

    • iomaddemo: Site Administrator.
    • testadmin: Company manager for Test company.
    • testsalesmanager: Department manager for Test company in the Sales department.
    • testsupportmanager: Department manager for Test company in the Support department.
    • testuseriomadsales: Sales department user.
    • reselleradmin: Reseller Company manager
    • clientuser: User account in the Reseller's client company - Client company.

    Enjoy, but please be aware other users may be playing on the site when you are, which may cause some oddities.


    If you are a regular Moodle Admin user, the temptation to use Moodle Admin tools will be instinctual...

    Resist this! Always use the IOMAD Dashboard to carry out administrative tasks.


    For further information, including installation docs and a link to download, please visit http://www.iomad.org